Fall 2007

An excerpt from Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain, by Oliver Sacks
Investigative journalist Sheila Coronel brings her watchdog ethic to the J-school
Photographer Al Mercado lost a lot of pictures, but those he saved are gems
Children have done the killing in Africa's and Asia's dirtiest wars. What are their chances once the fighting stops?
A former student recalls Jacques Barzun's clarity of mind and pen
Columbia scientists discover an entirely new function of the skeleton
A new imaging technique from biomedical engineering professor Elizabeth Hillman
How can researchers test the effectiveness of improvements that surgeons make to procedures?
A physics professor has developed optics technology that could enable astronomers to study black holes that have never been seen clearly before
September 24, 2007 was a busy day for free speech on campus
Over the past five years, Columbia has been rebuilding its athletic programs
The Campaign for Undergraduate Education aims to raise $865 million for undergraduate students and the faculty who teach them
Professor Manning Marable launches a new Web-based teaching resource on African American history
Columbia researchers help cyclists in Africa build sturdier bikes using locally available resources