Spring 2004

How the civil rights movement chronicler created a role for himself as an intellectual amongst activists
A group portrait of outstanding young graduates working in New York City from each of the University’s 15 schools
Harlem Treasures, a handbook published last spring, enlightens tourists—and native New Yorkers—who come uptown
An architecture professor aims to have a lasting impact on New York City
Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood will take you to places you’ve never been—and may never want to go
By doing what an academic community does best: posing questions and looking for answers
As Columbia begins to look north to Manhattanville, it is thinking about architecture in a different way
The University has been encouraging discussion through community open houses, advisory committees, and other events
Visitors to Columbia’s newly designed website are now greeted with a sleek and simple presentation of the University
The program would give students the option to add a second year to the current MS program
Artists ages 5 to 15 accepted certificates of achievement at the Harlem Horizon Art Studio’s annual reception
13 senior statesmen from around the world visited the University last fall
Fools Rush In: Steve Case, Jerry Levin, and the Unmaking of AOL Time Warner by Nina Munk